Electronic auction of Tourist Hunting Blocks in Tanzania

Electronic auction of Tourist Hunting Blocks in Tanzania


(Made under regulation 8 of the Wildlife Conservation [Tourist Hunting] [Amendments] Regulations, 2019)

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) invites applications from qualified applicants for the allocation of Tourist Hunting Blocks through electronic auctioning (e-auctioning). Currently, there are 24 vacant hunting Blocks within Game Reserves (GRs), Game Controlled Areas (GCAs) and Open Areas (OAs) that are immediately available for e-auctioning. Eligible hunting companies can be allocated up to five (5) hunting blocks each, which shall be of different categories. Auctioning will commence on 15th November 2019.


According to the Wildlife Conservation Cap. 283, no person shall be considered for allocation of a hunting block unless:

(a) He has a company registered with the Registrar of Companies within Tanzania intending to engage in hunting of animals;

(b) At least one of the Directors has five (5) years experience in Wildlife based business and Conservation in Tanzania; and

(c) The company meets requirements of Section 39(3)(a) of the Wildlife Conservation Act.


The tenure of ownership of hunting blocks shall be ten (10) years for Category I and II hunting blocks and 15 years for Category III blocks. The Minister shall on the fifth year of the tenure of ownership of a hunting block, determine the continuity of the tenure. The Minister’s decision shall be based on:

a) the annual performance assessment and the evaluation of the hunting block utilization; and

b) the full performance of the company allocated a hunting block to be carried out in the fourth year of the tenure, which shall take into account the annual assessment and the evaluation criteria prescribed in the regulation.


(a) Applicants will complete an online registration at http://portal.mnrt.go.tz through the appropriate e-form provided. After successful registration an applicant will be assigned an auto generated username and password sent via their registered e-mail addresses to enable them to access the e- auction portal.

(b) Applicants will then select hunting blocks they intend to bid, which will automatically generate an e-invoice for the applicant to pay a non- refundable application fee based on the block category being applied for (see table below).

Application fees as per categories of hunting blocks

S/N Category of Hunting Block Fees in USD

(c) Only successful applicants will be permitted to participate in e-auctioning of hunting blocks, which will remain open for a period of seven consecutive days.

(d) A bidder will use his/her username and password to access the bidding dashboard and bid according to the information specified on the bidding interface.

(e) A bidder will remain anonymous.

(f) Bids will be automatically ranked, the contents of which will be encrypted.

Bidders will:

(g) Assign a fee and compete only on pre-selected hunting block(s)

(h) Log in the e-auction system more than once during bidding

(i) Be notified automatically on new bids as they are placed, together with their corresponding prices, so that they will be able to track their rankings in the course of bidding.

(j) Identities of bidders shall not be disclosed by any party during the course of auctioning.

(k) All invalid bids submitted shall be rejected with a message explaining reasons for a rejection.

(l) Bidders shall not provide any additional information or clarifications related to the auction that may distort competition; and where necessary, such information shall be availed by TAWA.

(m)Users shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all particulars associated with their accounts.

(n) An e-auction award shall be based solely on ranking of prices, such that the allocation is awarded to the highest successful bidder.

(o) No bid may be withdrawn after the completion of bidding process.

(p) Bidders will only be allowed to increase their bidding prices during the auctioning process.

(q) A successful bidder shall pay 25% of the highest price reached within 12 working hours after closure of the auctioning.

(r) The remaining 75% shall be paid within 14 days from the date of the closure of auctioning, failure of which will lead into cancellation of the offer and forfeiture of the 25% of the fees paid.

(s) A successful bid price shall be the annual hunting block fee which shall be paid annually based on the calendar stipulated in the tourist hunting regulations


Only successful bidders will be issued with a Hunting Block Allocation Certificate by the Minister. Should you need any further information or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us or visit the following offices:

1. ConservationCommissioner

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority Dar es Salaam Road-Kingolwira Area TAFORI Building

P O Box 265

MOROGORO -Tanzania

Tel: +255 23-2934204

E-mail: cc@tawa.go.tz

2. e-Auction of Hunting Blocks Help Desk Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority Phone: +255784 999191; +255717187156; +255754043280

E-mail: e-auctionhuntingblocks@tawa.go.tz


S/N Hunting Block Area (sq.km) Grade Protection status Ecosystem
1 Kizigo GR (E) 2 1281 I GR Ruaha-Rungwa
2 Inyonga G.C.A. (W) 2212 II GCA Katavi-Rukwa
3 Inyonga G.C.A. (C) 2068 II GCA Katavi-Rukwa
4 Mlele G.C.A. (S) 1265 II GCA Katavi-Rukwa
5 Moyowosi G.R (N 1) 1608 II GR Malagarasi-Muyovosi
6 Moyowosi G.R (N 2) 1633 II GR Malagarasi-Muyovosi
7 Msima G.C.A (E) 2122 II GCA Katavi-Rukwa
8 Msima G.C.A (W) 2130 II GCA Katavi-Rukwa
9 Kizigo GR (E) 1 1194 II GR Ruaha-Rungwa
10 Moyowosi/Njingwe G.R 1 1810 II GR Malagarasi-Muyovosi
11 Moyowosi/Njingwe G.R 2 1717 II GR Malagarasi-Muyovosi
12 Muhesi GR 2669 II GR Ruaha-Rungwa
13 Lwafi-Nkamba GR 2441 II GR Katavi-Rukwa
14 Chunya O.A (E) 730 III O.A Katavi-Rukwa
15 Ituru Forest O.A 2088 III O.A Ruaha-Rungwa
16 Litumbandyosi O.A./Gezamasua 2823 III O.A Selous-Mikumi
17 Lukwika-Lumesule GR. 427 III GR Selous-Mikumi
18 Msanjesi GR 604 III GR Selous-Mikumi
19 Piti O.A. (E) 2184 III OA Katavi-Rukwa
20 Ruvuma O.A. 584 III OA Selous-Mikumi
21 Liparamba G.R 616 III GR Selous-Mikumi
22 Mwantisi O.A (S) 1110 III OA Selous-Mikumi
23 Mwantisi O.A (N) and Furuna 1388 III OA Selous-Mikumi
24 Muhuwesi G.C.A. 1545 III GCA Selous-Mikumi

Issued by:

Conservation Commissioner

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority - TAWA Morogoro Road-Kingolwira Area
TAFORI Building
PO Box 2658
MOROGORO - Tanzania
Tel: +255 (0) 23-2934204
E-mail: cc@tawa.go.tz

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