We will be commencing harvesting works from Friday, July 16th for 8 weeks in Knockoura.
Please see map attached with the section of the Beara Way impacted.
There will trail diversions in place..
Profesionálny a zodpovedný manažment a ochrana voľne žijúcich živočíchov sú nevyhnutné pre prosperitu našej komunity, ochranu životného prostredia a prírodného dedičstva. Aby sme však zachovali naše tradície a prírodné bohatstvo, musíme zhromažďovať a monitorovať presné údaje.
We will be commencing harvesting works from Friday, July 16th for 8 weeks in Knockoura.
Please see map attached with the section of the Beara Way impacted.
There will trail diversions in place..
As some of you may know we are in contact with the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority. Due to this connection in the past days we have received an official announcement from Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) about the electronic auctioning of Tourist Hunting Blocks. The auction will commence on 15th November 2019.
If you are interested in participating read the details...